IMET Blog Post: Washington Fire Weather Decision Support

Hey everyone! I’m out here working on the Washington Fire near Markleeville, CA as an I ncident Met eorologist, or “IMET” for short. I was dispatched to support an Incident Management Team from the Great Basin that has been assigned to manage the fire suppression efforts for the Washington Fire. As the IMET, I give direct decision support to the Incident Commander and the rest of the wildland firefighters that are working hard to contain this fire. Courtesy of Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators One of my primary functions is to keep the firefighters informed on weather conditions that are favorable for suppression efforts such as letting them know about light winds that were going to be favorable for their firefighting efforts earlier this week. With that information, the team was able to put together a plan that was very aggressive for fighting the fire directly with many hand crews and fire engines, taking advantage of the favorable weather. On the other extreme, I also...